Manifesting Your Vision Workshop with Pam Carruthers

Manifesting Your Vision Workshop with Pam Carruthers

Manifesting Your Vision and the Power of Letting Go

The focus of this Healing Workshop is to help you clear up the unfinished business of the past, so you can fully embrace your soul’s purpose to be happy.

What’s your vision for the future? To you want to heal a relationship with your family, a friend or work colleague? Are you a healer, do you have psychic gifts but feel blocked? Have you lost your belief in magic and the power of miracles?

In the work I do I know that once we step into our vision all kinds of deep unconscious issues can stop us in our tracks. This workshop will support you to uncover and heal these issues and take the next step in your life.

Post pandemic it becomes vital that we join and support each other in manifesting our vision for the future.

The Focus of this One Day Workshop is to:-

  • Reclaim your Power to Manifest Your Vision for the Future
  • Heal an issue with a family member, friend or work colleague
  • Ritual: The Power of Letting Go
  • Restore Self Value to have the confidence to receive what you are worth
  • Reconnect with your vision and creativity

Abundance is connected to our creativity, our second chakra. When we’re in the flow abundance comes to us naturally. It’s our birthright.

Venus Shamanic Cycle

This is the very day in the year that Venus begins her new heliacal cycle at 16 degrees Leo as a Morning Star. This last occurred on August 22nd 2015 so it’s highly significant.

Venus in the tarot is The Empress representing abundance and fertility. Venus is the planet of love, money and self value.

Find out more at  Summer Healing Workshop August 19th 2023